As expected, Dubai has been voted to host the World Expo 2020 for its bid under the theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future'
Sustainability is one of the three core themes of Expo 2020 and is set to play a key part in the infrastructure of the Dubai event site. Site planners are aiming for the Expo site to generate at least 50 per cent of the energy the site will use, including the latest photo-voltaic technology whereby electrical currents will be produced using solar energy.
In line with Dubai’s Expo transport policy the event will also be a zero emissions site.
Although the UAE is currently one of the world’s biggest carbon emitters, the emphasis that will be placed on sustainability over the next seven years in the lead up to the 2020 event will no doubt help to promote this fundamental issue with the UAE and help communicate the need for sustainable lifestyle on a global platform at the event in 2020.
Dubai Expo 2020: Masterplan
After the Expo event, the site itself is to be recycled and used as a research center and university, based around the study of the aims related to Expo, including sustainability. This development in particular could help many generations benefit in the quest for sustainability.
To know more about the Dubai's Expo theme 'Sustainability'
World Expo: Wikipedia Page Dubai's official Expo Website:
Facts & Figures:
- A $23 billion boost to the economy by Expo 2020 (predicted by Merrill Lynch)
- About 25m tourists are expected to visit Dubai during the six-month event
- The emirate would invest $8.1bn in new infrastructure (new roads, an extension to the metro (Purple Line), the Event site (Jebel Ali)
- Expected to boost Dubai’s annual economic growth by 1 percentage point
- Expected to create 277,000 new jobs.
Top Gaining Industries:
- Construction
- Real Estate
- Infrastructure
- Recruitment
- Also Retail, Tourism, Hotels, Banking, Airlines, Etc.,